Health & Fitness

Eight Tips To Get Good Sleep And Stay Stress Free During Covid-19

A summary of activities/ task is given to get good sound sleep and to be stress free in this covid situation.

By Hiti Padh

Eight Tips To Get Good Sleep And Stay Stress Free During Covid-19

Covid-19 has affected the world and business both with its harmful effects. We human beings are not ready or well versed with the new life we are living because of this covid pandemic, we are living with tension and stress worrying about our health, business and finances. Staying indoors and staying at the same place have created a dull and negative impression in our mind because of which we can't sleep soundly. So here I am going to discuss 8 tips to get good sleep and stay stress free during this pandemic:

Limit Media Consumption 

The news helps you stay informed, but consuming too much of it could lead to increased worries. Having constant updates about coronavirus and other disasters going around the world will have a negative impact on our mind and it will be surrounded with negativity and tension which won't allow us to relax and sleep so limiting the use of media will help.

Maintain Your Regular Schedule 

Balance both equally work from home and household chores according to time slots and save a slot for me time where you can relax and do whatever you enjoy because that will help you to relax. After having a long day of work relaxing will help to get sound sleep and eliminate stress as schedule is maintained and work pressure is divided. 

Seek Natural Light and Air 

It is difficult to get fresh air and natural light when we are indoors and in lockdown but open up all your shades because we need light to help us set our wake and sleep cycles. It’ll help you feel the need to sleep at night and be awake in the morning and throughout the day. Natural daylight and air make us feel fresh and people fall asleep earlier, sleep longer, and log more quality sleep. 

Adopt Relaxation Techniques

Mediate, do yoga, read books, listen to soft music etc do this kind of work to relax and divert your mind as you are engaged in your favourite activity which helps to burst your anger, stress and tension and get you sound sleep.

Boost Your Immunity With Food

A strong immune system offers protection from seasonal illnesses and other health conditions like cancer and coronavirus. Have a balanced diet with proper intake of Vitamins, proteins and fibre. This will help to regulate your body and feel relaxed because good food is in a good mood.

Remember That You’re Not Alone

At a time when we all need to keep our physical distance, it’s important to remember that we can (and should) stay emotionally connected. Call or video chat with your relatives, especially those who live alone. Set up a virtual game night with your friends. Learn about ways you can help your community. We’re all in this together, which means none of us are truly alone.

Practice Good Posture While Working

If you struggle with proper workplace posture in the office, it may be even harder to maintain while working at home. Making slight adjustments to your workstation can prevent eye strain, musculoskeletal issues and mental fatigue. Adjust your monitor so the top of your screen is at eye level. Sit with your arms and thighs parallel to the floor and your back supported.

Restrict your use of caffeine

Overuse of caffeine damages our body and don't allow body to get good sleep as caffeine is a stimulant, so try other ways such as slowly drinking a glass of water (dehydration often makes us drizzy), getting up and moving around, or some herbal tea such as ginger or peppermint that can give you a decaffeinated boost.

So practise these pointers and I am sure you might be stress free and have sound sleep.

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