Business News

ALERT! Robots Are Coming To India In Next 10 Years

In next 10 years, your room will have automatically lights on, illuminating your spotlessly clean home. All you will need to do is ask a wonderfully compact yet powerful device to order in some food and play your favorite film on the television, and you’re ready to enjoy the rest of your weekend.

By garima

ALERT! Robots Are Coming To India In Next 10 Years

In this modern era when we are completely depended on machines, another reliability will be of bots. In a decade, you will be actually free on your holidays when you won't have to get busy with the household chores. Automatically the lights will be on, illuminating your spotlessly clean home. All you will need to do is ask a wonderfully compact yet powerful device to order in some food and play your favorite film on the television, and you’re ready to enjoy the rest of your weekend.

The advent of superlative technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning and advanced computing, has caused us to make significant strides in the robotics sector. We are now at a revolution through which robots will give us complete freedom from laborious, mundane tasks such as cleaning, cooking, or even taking care of our kids on the days you aren’t feeling up for it.

India is popularly known for its academic curriculum that revolves around engineering and mechanics. Needless to say, with Robotics picking up as a discipline, the country became the next big hub for robotic studies, technology, research, and the development of potential applications of robotics. Robotics is seen as the next big application of technology and India being in the centre of operations, the next 10  years are predicted to be extremely consequential in the developing of this discipline.

Present Scenario
Currently, every aspect of our day to day lives revolves around the internet. From work to home appliances, to e-commerce or booking tickets for a vacation. A decade ago no one would have foreseen this reality, the same is expected to happen with robotics. We already see simple menial applications of Robotics now.  For example, the Roomba cleaner. It is a vacuum cleaner on wheels which is based on object sensing. It will clean a whole house once it is switched on based on mapping the whole house and then deciphering which areas have already been cleaned and which have not. It senses objects in its way and once it encounters an object it will change its trajectory. The invention of Roomba was possible because of an amalgamation between artificial intelligence software and robotics.

It Is Not The Future; It Is The Present

There are no second thoughts about the fact that robo-technologies are all set to transform the country for a better and beautiful future. It will change the ways things are done and implemented. For example, the FlyZoo hotel in China has reshaped the future of hospitality culture. This window to robotic hospitality shows the bright and shining future of robotics in other sectors too. With the emergence of huge opportunities and demands the adoption rate of robotic technology will be rated high in near future. In coming years as well as in far off reality, robotics will bring exciting and fresh prospects for every sector and every individual.

Impact On Employment 
Unemployment has always been a burning issue in India. For a country which is populated with a maximum number of youths, it is extremely challenging to risk jobs for the sake of development. The intrusion of robotics may impact the already declining job market in the Indian subcontinent.
Considering the trends of previous industrial revolutions, we can frame that the fourth industrial revolution might affect the existing job opportunities but in a long run, it will definitely create new collar jobs with better opportunities to explore. Rightly foreseen by the experts, robotics will create new entrepreneurship and back prevailing companies’ survival. Economically, it will augment the GDP of India.

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