
Data Science And Cloud Based Platform SNOWFLAKE Is Enabling Firms To Mobilise Their Data

As a high rate of digitalization is going on, data is being generated at high scale. For processing that data and workloads on companies, Snowflake has come with smart cloud based solution.

By Mrid_Scripts

Data Science And Cloud Based Platform SNOWFLAKE Is Enabling Firms To Mobilise Their Data

Data science and insights are proving themselves as crucial things for business worldwide. Due to covid-19, world has become more digitalized and more data is being generated per day, so cloud technology or cloud computing has presented itself as a shoo-in for flawless utilisation of insights from the collected data.



In India, cloud computing is being adopted as a very high rate because most of the organisations have realised the importance of data as well as insights. These insights will help them to retain the already existing customers, getting new customers and accomplishing extraordinary gain in their business. 

Snowflake is also such type of platform which combines the ease of execution of diverse analytic workloads to guide the companies for making the most efficient use for their data.

Enables The Firms To Mobilise Their Collection Of Data

Snowflake was founded in 2012 and now delivers the data cloud where numerous organisations mobilise their data with infinite scale and performance. In data cloud, firms unite their data, discover and share governed data and execute workloads.


Cloud computing

Snowflake is currently working across 13 countries and manages 250PB + data and processes 515 million + data workloads on daily basis.

What Makes Snowflake Unique And Different From Other Platforms

Unique architecture of soundflake makes you able to run multiple workloads across multiple teams without contention of resource which maximizes the performance and efficiency snowflake runs on the principles of data science, data engineering, data lake, data warehouse, data application and data sharing. 

Multi cloud ability, data sharing capability and easy-to-use service are a few factors that make it unique from other platforms.

The user is charged per second for the service and computation and storage operations are charged separately.

Partner Platforms

There are several successful platforms with whom Snowflake has worked. Some of these are Adobe, Sony, capital One and Logitech, DocuSign, Micron etc. Among the first customers of snowflake in India is Swiggy.

Now, with the support of Snowflake, Swiggy has become 20 % more efficient and faster than before and running the queries of the customers with very high efficiency.

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