Business News

For Three Years Facebook 'lost' Important Rules On Dangerous Individuals

The company's independent monitoring committee said Thursday that Facebook has made a significant exception to its rules for "shaming" dangerous people and organizations for three years.

By contentwriteramisha

For Three Years Facebook 'lost' Important Rules On Dangerous Individuals

The board, which was created by the company to rule on a small portion of controversial content decisions, said it had undone Facebook's original removal of an Instagram post that made public the monologue of a founding member, Abdullah Ocalan. Was encouraged to think about imprisonment. Kurdistan activists will speak 'Party (PKK)'.

The content should never have been removed but added that after selecting the case, Facebook found that a relevant part of its internal rules "wasn't accidentally moved to a new review system" in 2018.

This policy makes an exception to Facebook's rules, which prohibit endorsing or praising any person or organization they believe to be dangerous in order to facilitate discussion about terms of custody.

Facebook has closely monitored what is allowed on its platforms, and the board has criticized the lack of transparency in its rules. The board said it is "concerned" that Facebook has lost a significant exemption for this time frame and that other posts may be accidentally deleted as of a result.

The guidelines, which were not shared with Facebook's policy team, were developed in 2017 in response to concerns about the custodial status of Inclan.

A company spokesperson declined to answer questions from Reuters about the loss of the policy. The board said Facebook is reviewing how the guide was not disseminated but said it was "technically not possible" to determine how much content was removed when the guide was not available. was. Facebook reinstated the content prior to the board's decision.

The board has recommended Facebook post the results of its review, including details of other lost policies.

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